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Dommerpresentasjoner påskeshow 2020
Juan Miranda Saucedo, Mexico Architect & Social Media Influencer born in Mexico City, Along with his parents, Juan is the breeder, owner and handler of Afghans of Damos (Home of The top winning hounds in the history of Mexico since 1980). His judging career started as the youngest FCI all breed International Judge. As a Junior Handler he won the World Championship three times, earned third place at Crufts and was a finalist at Westminster Kennel Club. Mr. Miranda's great achievements have been worldwide; Best in Show at the FCI Americas & Caribbean Section Winner 2012 & 2019, Reserve Best in Show at FCI European Dog Show Winner 2017, Best of Breed and Award of Merit five times at the Afghan Hound Club of America's National Specialties, Twice Best of Breed at the AKC National Championship Show, Best Opposite Sex and Award of Merit at Westminster Kennel Club. He has piloted his dogs to their World Championships and their wins in the European Winner, Americas & Caribbean, International, SICALAM, and other countries. In Mexico Afghans of Damos won the title Best Dog of the Year (#1 All Breeds), Best Mexican Breeder of the Year and many Afghan and Sighthounds of the year, four times Champion of Champions Winner. Best in Shows in Mexico, the United States and other Countries. More than 15 Specialties winner and finalist at the first Eukanuba World Challenge represented Mexico. He has also obtained the title BIS with other breeds owned and co-owned: Whippet, Doberman, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Brittany Spaniel, Xoloitzcuintli, The top winning Pomeranian and Saluki in the history of Mexico. Mr. Miranda has had the honor of judging CACIB and All Breed shows in countries of Asia, Australia, Europe, Central and South America, United States and Canada. The World Dog Show 2007, The AKC National Championship 2018, The Champion of Champions, Americas & Caribbean FCI Section Show, The Hound Classic, The Afghan Hound World Congress Show also Sighthound & Toy Specialties in USA, Europe and Australia. Juan is an Architect graduated from La Salle University Mexico City in 2011, studied graduates Urban Photography, Contemporary & Restoration Architectural in Mexico, China, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and the United Arabian Emirates, currently working in the company of his family. Linda Näslund, Sverige
Jag är uppvuxen med boxer sedan 1979 och hade min första kull i Kennel Handler’s 1992. Jag har tävlat/tränat med egna hundar inom utställning, agility, lydnad, bruks och Nose work. Jag blev domare 2007 och dömer raser i grupp 1 och 2. Jag har sedan dess dömt på fyra kontinenter. Jag driver ett eget företag där jag behandlar och rehabiliterar hund och människa. Jag är även dopningsprovtagare inom Svensk travsport och Ridsportförbundet.
Enrico Drudi, San Marino
Born on 1967 and living in the Republic of San Marino (RSM) Doctor in Economy (University of Bologna – Italy) on 1990 and finishing the 2nd Doctor title in Finance and Insurance (University of Bologna) Breeder of Tosa (FCI 260), with kennel name “Tisama Tosa Ken” recognized by FCI. Now I’ve 14 tosas and 1 central asia shepherd. Website of my kennel. FCI Judge for groups 2,4,5,6,7,8,10 , Best Junior and Best in Show During the last years I judged in several countries like Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia, Brasil, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Hungary, Irland, Italy, Latvija, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenja, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, … at international shows Some molosser specialty shows I judged in the last 3 years: 2015 May 04th : Caucasian and Central Asia Sheperd – Tbilisi (Georgia) 2015 September 20th : Bulldog/Bullmastiff/Mastiff – Novi Sad (Serbia) 2016 June 19th : Bulldog - Medina de Pomar (Spain) 2016 July 09 : Fila brasileiro – Fortaleza (Brazil) 2016 September 26th : Bullmastiff World Cup – Aveiro (Portugal) 2017 March 18th : Central Asia and Caucasian Sheperd at Eurasia : Moscow (Russia) 2017 April 08th : Dogo argentino – Buenos Aires (Argentina) 2017 October 15th : Spanish mastiff – Almendralejo (Spain) 2018 August 9-12th : Dogo argentino, Cane corso, Fila Brasileiro at World Dog Show in Amsterdam
Actually FCI judge and President of Kennel Club San Marino
Jürgen Sauer, Tyskland I started with dogs in 1982, and I started with Airedale terrier female, followed in 1983 an Airedale Terrier male. With these two dogs I have worked successfully in the working dpg sport.
I came to the molosser breeds, especially for Bullmastiff in 1988, when I first time visited with a friend, who wanted to see a Neapilitan Mastiff, a Club Show of the German Molosser Club.
On this exhibition in 1988 that I first saw the Bullmastiff and immediately lost my heart to this, for me, impressive breed dog. This meant that I had after this exhibition immediately contact with a breeder in Germany and then came- in the same year- an adult Bullmastiff dog to me.
This was the beginning of a wonderful time in which I have occupied myself intensively with the raising and breeding of the breed Bullmastiff. I`ve bred the Bullmastiff breed for many years. Dogs from my breeding could reach Championships.
Since 1998 i\m Special judge for the breeds Bullmastiff, Mastiff; Dogue de Bordeaux, Neapolitan Mastiff, Mastin Espanol, Mastin del Pirineo, Tosa Inu, Fila Brasileiro. I became in 2011 Special judge for Bulldogs and also Cane Corso. Since 1994 I have been the breed warden at the Club for Molosser in Germany and attending a variety of breeders in our club.
For years I have been a Judge Chairman of the Boeard of Club for Molosser Germany, also I`m a member of the Board of VDH- Land Association Hessen. I`m judged in: England, France, Netherland, Belgium, Hungary; Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Serbia, Russa, USA, Switzerland; Austria, Spain; Ireland and Germany. I`m entered in the list of judges for the Molosser breeds AKC, I also assign the CC for the Bullmastiff breed in England.
I am also judge for all breeds FCI Group 2 and Special judge for the breed Rottweiler. I live with my wife Katja, along with our lovely Bulldogs in Wetzar near Frankfurt am Main/ Germany.
Maite Gonzalbo, Spania
Her first show dog was a Wire Fox Terrier in 1985 and became a Lakeland Terrier and Min. Schnauzer breeder under the affix "DEL SOMNI" Since 1990 and together with her husband Jesús Pastor they bred Westies, Scottish, Fox Terriers, Cairn, English Cocker and Yorkshire terrier under the affix "ALBORADA". Today they only breed West Highland White and Scottish terriers. Up to date they obtained twenty-seven World Champions and over 800 other titles in 67 different countries. She's founder member of Associació Canina Unió Cinófila de Catalunya of which she's President since 2000. She's also a member of the General Committee of the Real Sociedad Canina de España since 2002 to 2012. She's a member of the Club Español de Terriers since 1985 and now member of the committee. Member of the Club Español de Bulldog Ingles and vice president since 2013 to 2015 She's a terrier judge since 2002 and she's judged in Spain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Slovenia ,Lithuania, Latvia, France, The Netherlands,Brazil, Croatia, Romania, Rep. Cze., Portugal, Norway , Hungary, Serbia, Finland ,Russia, Poland, Estonia , Ukraine , Slovaquia, Argentina, Bulgaria, Cyprus , Colombia, Bielorusia, Turkey, Montenegro, Israel, San Marino, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Austria, Puerto Rico, Guatemala ,Luxemburg , China, Ireland, Swizerland, UK, Mexico, Bosnia, Chile, Japan and Australia. . Judge International to the II, III, IV, IX Groups , some another breeds in the VIII & X groups. Judge for Junior Handler and Best in Show
Antonio Di Lorenzo, Norge Antonio was really young when he start breeding Neapolitan Mastiffs. He has bred many Champions, International champions, as well as World Winner under the kennelname «dell' Altafiumara", and has now over 40 years experience as a judge, he is allrounder. Antonio has held seminars of different molosser breeds in Italy, Israel, Mexico, Russia, America and England, and he has judged all over the world.
Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez, Spania
I’ve had dogs all my life. In my childhood, at our family estate in the
centre of Spain, we had Spanish Mastiffs and Careas herding the sheeps,
German Shepherds guarding the house and German Shorthaired Pointers for
hunting. When I was 20 years old I spent the summer working as swimming
coach and with the money earned I bought my first Golden Retriever.
Anki Johansson, Sverige
Jag har alltid varit intresserad av djur och under min uppväxt fanns boxer, mellanpudel och sankt Berhardshund i familjen. Min första egna hund var en schäfer som jag fick när jag var 15 år. Under tonåren hade jag som mest 3 stycken schäfrar . Jag ställde aldrig ut dem för på den tiden ägnade jag mig åt att tävla hästhoppning. Jag utbildade mig till hundfrisör 1974 och köpte min första amerikanska cocker spaniel. Då började mitt intresse för hundutställning och uppfödning. Jag har fött upp många champions i den rasen. Mest känd är Multi Ch Point Blanc Cotton Quilt som vann BIS i England på en utställning med över 13000 hundar. Han var även BIR på Crufts ett år. Jag har ägt och ställt ut alla storlekar på pudel framgångsrikt och även fött upp några kullar med mellanpudel. Flera Ch men vinstrikast var Int Nord CH Point Blanc First Try. Hon vann flera BIS bl. a en ”all breed show” med mer än 6000 hundar. Jag blev FCI domare 1996 och dömer 7 hela grupper och gaska många raser i de övriga 3 grupperna. De senaste 10 åren har jag dömt ca 2 hela helger i månaden. Jag har dömt i 20-talet olika länder. För dagen är fransk bulldogg min stora passion. Jag ställer ut och har precis börjat föda upp. Har några multichampions. Jag är Vice ordförande i Västra kennelklubben. Vi organiserar bland annat MyDog show i Göteborg. ” |